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Green home remodeling can save you money, make your home healthier and more comfortable, 加美, increase your home’s value and help protect the environment. 很多节能升级,你可以做你的家涉及到外部,所以重要的是要考虑这些选项时,规划你的改造.


  • Encourage the removal of shoes at your front door. The majority of indoor air pollutants are tracked in on shoes, 包括水分, 农药, 化肥, automotive fine particulates, 孢子和花粉.
  • 提供足够的空间存放鞋子,并考虑一个舒适的椅子或长凳作为穿脱鞋子的地方.
  • 通过适当地密封房屋以防止窗台板下的空气泄漏来节省能源, 在窗户, 门, 框架成员, 和电动, plumbing and mechanical penetrations. 对于门来说,鬃毛防风垫比球茎型更耐用,尤其是在宠物周围.


In terms of cost-effectiveness, 更换窗户是你应该对你的家进行的最后升级之一. 按平方英尺计算, 窗户是你能做的最昂贵的改进之一,它们占的总面积比地板小得多, 墙壁和天花板. In addition to limited energy savings, replacing windows typically provides limited cost savings, with a simple payback of anywhere from 40 to 80 years, 这取决于你最初的窗户漏水的程度,以及新窗户的密封程度. 也就是说, 而新窗户在成本效益投资方面排名靠后, 安装新的窗户系统还有很多其他的原因,这些原因可能会带来更大的好处.


  • 修理已涂漆关闭的窗户,使其完全可操作.
  • 老, 平衡双挂窗通过框架两侧的滑轮泄漏大量空气. 放置特别设计的滑轮密封,防止冷空气渗入.
  • Weatherstrip the meeting rail of double hung windows.

New window selection and installation

  • Replace “failed” windows that have moisture between the panes.
  • 更换窗户时, 用支撑杆和低膨胀泡沫封住窗框和粗口之间的缝隙. 在使用任何膨胀泡沫之前,请务必咨询窗户制造商. 如果使用错误的泡沫,一些制造商将取消保修.
  • 考虑安装太阳能灯管,一种天窗,带来更多的自然光.
  • 如果安装新窗户,应选择低e涂层且u值小于0的产品.30 .增加舒适度.
  • 寻找具有较高VT(可见光透过率)的窗户,这样可以让更多的阳光进入你的家.
  • 在可能的情况下,优先考虑使用第三方认证的可持续采伐木材的木窗. 挤压玻璃纤维复合窗在尺寸上也很稳定, 非常耐用, 在一段时间内保持良好的颜色,也可以是很好的精力表演者. A final option to consider are wood composite windows, 哪一种含有再生聚氯乙烯或高密度聚乙烯和木材废纤维,既能提供木材的隔热性能,又具有塑料的耐腐性能.
  • Flashing should be installed over all windows. 窗户应朝向,使窗框上的小孔或排水管在底部.
  • 在房子外面的窗户上安装悬垂,在温暖的月份限制太阳能的热量增加,同时在寒冷的月份仍然允许自由的热量增加. 建议在正南30度范围内的窗户采用悬挑.


美国的大多数家庭都是这样.S. built before 1970 are poorly insulated, if at all. Modern energy codes require minimum levels of insulation, 但是你可以做更多的事情来节省你的能源账单. Even with progressive energy codes, 许多新住宅忽略了一些节能建筑的细节.


  • 采用先进的24英寸中心框架的墙框架技术, which saves lumber and allows for increased insulation. This method also incorporates two stud corners, 绝缘头和超大或凸起的桁架,允许更多的阁楼绝缘.
  • Window and door headers are typically uninsulated, 然而, 保温集管随时可用,减少加热和冷却的能源使用.

Insulation levels and types

  • When faced with the choice of ceiling or wall insulation, 许多家庭通过首先从天花板开始获得更好的性能. Consult a Home Performance 承包商 for a detailed analysis.
  • Some houses may contain vermiculite insulation, which looks like shiny brown rocks, 和豌豆差不多大. 这种绝缘材料可能含有石棉,如果受到干扰和吸入,可能会对健康造成危害. 将蛭体取样并送到实验室进行石棉测试.
  • 考虑使用吹入式绝缘产品来增加家中的绝缘量. 吹入的绝缘材料可以是纤维素、泡沫、玻璃纤维或岩棉.
  • 绝缘产品是根据它们的热流阻力来评定的,称为r值. r值越高,隔热效果越好,能源费用越低.
  • Use cellulose rather than fiberglass for insulation. Fiberglass has eight times the embodied energy as cellulose. 纤维素是由80%的回收报纸和纸板制成的. 另外20%是硼酸盐,它能防霉、驱虫和阻燃. Avoid cellulose insulation with any ammonia-based additives.
  • 如果你选择使用玻璃纤维,一定要选择不含甲醛的产品. 主要品牌的配方也有超过50%的回收成分.


  • Take precautions when insulating on top of, 或接近, 现有的连接, 固定装置, 烟囱和烟道. Your permitting jurisdiction may offer guidance on this topic. If your house has any “knob and tube” electrical wiring, 请有执照的电工评估它的状况,看看在上面加绝缘是否安全.
  • 在绝缘前在软肋通风口安装绝缘挡板-这可以防止绝缘材料因风洗而退化和r值降低. 风洗会导致冷点,在极端情况下会导致潮湿问题.


  • 空气密封周围的任何渗透在天花板上,如IC/AT额定罐头灯, 球迷, 和电动al and plumbing penetrations. Air seal the small gap between ceiling drywall and top plates.
  • 凹进去的罐头灯通常是空气泄漏的主要来源,并不是所有的罐头灯都有绝缘材料. 如果你想让阁楼隔热,并且有嵌入式灯, look at the label on the inside of the can. 寻找“IC评级”. If the can is 不 IC Rated, 在添加绝缘材料之前,你需要在阁楼上的每个凹灯周围建造耐热盒. 如果它们是IC级的,绝缘可以直接应用在它们上面.
  • 隔热层和热表面(如烟囱和其他燃烧设备的通风口)之间应安装金属板屏障. Air sealing at these locations can be done with special caulks.

Planning and installation

  • If your siding is old or failing, 在从内部向墙壁添加绝缘材料之前,一定要更换它(如果必要的话,还要更换外部护套). This sequence will prevent your wall assembly from getting wet, thereby preventing mold issues and decay.
  • 如果更换壁板, 考虑添加两个, 在护套的外面错开一层坚硬的外绝缘层. This will greatly improve the insulating value of your walls. 优先选择岩棉产品而不是泡沫产品,以减少对环境的影响.
  • 安装一个防雨屏,增加墙壁在风雨中变干的能力,从而增加水分的损害, insect damage and other problems. Rain screens are compatible with most siding products.

Recommended siding choices


信息 & 注意事项


A composite material made of sand, 水泥和木纤维, which is 不 currently recyclable, but can contain high percentages of recycled content, 视品牌而定. 一种低维护的产品,在太平洋西北地区的气候中保持良好,可以在安装前涂漆.


Cedar siding is known for its grain, 耐腐,是太平洋西北地区的本土物种. Cedar takes a stain well and reveals a rich character. 由于其尺寸稳定,通常用于震动和瓦板, 抗肿胀, and has less cupping and splitting.

Can have a high recycled-content and is recyclable. Look at the product documentation to be sure you are 使用原生铝,这带来了沉重的环境负担


A cement mixture usually applied to wooden walls or masonry. 如果你选择灰泥,确保你正确的细节,以防止潮湿的问题.

Seek alternatives to vinyl siding

  • 而便宜的, 乙烯基给环境和人类健康带来了相当大的问题, especially during manufacture and disposal. Vinyl is 不 biodegradable, and is generally 不 recyclable.


Green building certification

Green building material suppliers and consumer information


