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Planning your remodel

  • Confirm your project goals: what is driving you to add on? 有没有另一种选择,既能节省你的时间和金钱,又能达到你的目标? 考虑重新整理你的空间,缩小你的物品(通过回收和捐赠).
  • 尽早计划使你的房屋改造“绿色”,这样你就可以利用更传统的方法可能错过的机会.
  • Plan to reuse existing walls, cabinetry, 在可能的情况下进行管道和电气布局,以节省资金和减少建筑垃圾.
  • If you live in unincorporated King County, check with the Department of Permitting and Environmental Review. 否则,请与您当地的司法管辖区核实适用的许可证和代码要求. 大多数许可证中心网站都有非常直观的帮助菜单和在线表格来满足您的需求.
  • Consider going up instead of out. This reduces the overall footprint of impact, and may enable you to utilize existing framing and foundation.
  • Take advantage of local Green Home Tours. 这些可以帮助你优先考虑绿色建筑的方法和策略,并与当地的专业人士会面,帮助你完成项目.
  • 你可以找到几乎所有建筑材料类别的回收材料, from flooring to fixtures. Especially in vintage homes, 使用过的建筑材料可以缓和改造的新鲜感,同时将新鲜元素与现有住宅结合起来.
  • Consider expanding your definition of cost. 从长远来看,较高的初始成本实际上可能会带来更好的交易. For example, 高效的管道装置降低了每月的水电费,耐用的材料也不需要频繁更换. Similarly, 室内空气质量差造成的保健费用没有反映在较便宜的价格上, off-gassing materials.

Green building certification

  • If you are going to do a green remodel, 考虑将其认证为绿色建筑改造,向其他人证明该项目确实是绿色的. Recent studies based on real sales data have shown that on average, 环境认证的房屋比未认证的房屋具有更高的销售价值, and tend to sell faster.
  • 如果你决定重新装修只是太多的工作,并选择买一个新的房子, look for Built Green, 能源之星和LEED住宅指定在西北多重上市服务.

Construction and demolition materials

再利用和回收使用过的建筑材料有许多选择. 许多零售场所和在线资源现在接受并提供回收的建筑材料-这不仅可以最大限度地减少您的改造浪费, but incorporate “new” recycled items into your project. 一点血汗资产可以大大减少你的处理费用. 如果你在自己的项目中重复使用材料,你就不用买新的了. In some cases, you can also make money by selling your unwanted building materials, such as old hardware or a pedestal sink.


  • 就地再利用(保持材料原貌、修复、抛光或重新贴面等).)
  • 回收和再利用(在项目中,在家里,出售,捐赠或交易)
  • Recycling
  • Proper disposal of what's left

Nearly all projects involve a bit of each. 绿色目标是将尽可能多的材料放到上面的步骤中, while minimizing the amount that ends up at the landfill.


  • 通过计划你的活动,小心地移除材料以保留它们的价值(解构而不是拆除), 你可以增加这些材料未来寿命的可能性, beyond the landfill.
  • Make a call to a used building materials store or salvage and deconstruction company before you start; tell them what you’re trying to remove and they can often recommend the best tools for the job, as well as what can safely be reused again. 有许多可重复使用和可回收材料的销售点:二手建筑材料零售商, online exchanges, classified ads, and recycling companies.
  • Doing a large remodel? Consider deconstruction services. This process carefully dismantles materials for reuse and recycling, keeping up to 90% of materials out of the landfill.
  • If you hire a waste hauling company, 询问他们的运输记录(他们是否共享收据,证明材料到达了合适的目的地。?). 要求至少设置2个垃圾桶(1个放垃圾,1个放回收),以提高回收率.
  • Pay particular attention to lead-based paint, lead fittings and solder on plumbing products, as well as asbestos in shingles, flooring, ductwork and some appliances. Improper removal could introduce new hazards into your home.

During Construction or Demolition

  • The key to successful salvage is careful removal. 保持材料的完整和完整最大化了再利用的可能性,并保留了它们的价值.
  • Bundle multiples of a particular material, and keep them tidy, safe and dry in a protected storage area. Ideally, 你需要留出空间来按照类型和目的地组织你的材料:打捞, recycling and disposal.
  • 如果你雇佣一家私人公司来搬运材料,要格外小心——有些公司不熟悉回收和再利用的方法, or worse, illegally dump materials you believe are being properly transported. To avoid this, 只与许可和许可的运输公司合作,这些公司同意预付不超过一半的费用, 其余款项在收到您指定目的地的正式收据后支付.

Codes and permits

What codes do I need to meet?

  • It depends! Where you live, 你的改造程度和你家的现状将决定你需要遵守哪些规范. Check with your local jurisdiction.

Is a permit required?

  • Chances are, YES! Check with your local jurisdiction. Most jurisdictions have a “Do I Need a Permit?” section of their FAQs. For example, if you live in unincorporated King County, this page will help.

Additional resources

Construction and Demolition Materials

Salvage Options


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